When learning is defined by living, anything comes on my way is worth leaning.
Stay at campus requires us to work on our own safety – each week we spend on campus training…..safety training (alternate week). While we have basic safety codes to start with….we continue to work on different aspect and get deeper in the same topic. The topics comes from the needs – some are scared of lizards, some are frightened with the thought of snake, some want to know how to do a bandage because we keep falling and keep getting hurt, our pets may need some training since they chew footwear and or run out of boundary…each child choose the topic one wanted to explore.
Various topics: first aid, pets, fire, self defense, snakes safety, fire drills, know lizards and spiders.
Pets – Training for boundaries, Safety of dogs…sign of venom and first aid, Substitute of chewing footwear, Food plan for pets
First aid – Know and help others in first aid. Detail out the scope, Do first aid for healing, Training others in first aid and knowing about puss
Animals – Lizards and spiders to know if they are poisonous, Snakes- find out if they are poisonous or not. Where all they are found. Safety against them
Self defense – Different techniques of self defense
Fire – Introduce fire drills, arrangements for fire safety at campus, How to use fire extinguishers, how to work on lightening fire, Electrical fire
Sexual safety – beliefs, understating self, knowing curriculum.
Aarohi, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.