When asked what is Amazon? Most knew about it -What we book, online shopping, courier to your home.Most of us at the campus have experience Amazon shopping in different forms -the excitement was to know the story behind Amazon with PremKumarImagine Aarohi, An Open Learning Community, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.
How does the world work?
How does the online marketplace works?
The story – started with a book store and now sell everything on the earth.
What is Mission – like for Amazon it’s about customer Centric Company, whatever the customer is the center of all the activities?
How so much of discount?
Philosophy – Believes in growth
Selection – Numbers of products
More customer
Customer experience
More Traffic
More traffic, more sellers
More products
How sellers get this profit?
Many brands, many options
IMDB – A company just only for review? And one can become a professional reviewer and get paid?
Strengths of a company – Networking, Logistics management, Technology, Customer policy, Culture, Predictions, Services,
What is the culture of the company?
How do you join a coming
What are the selection
The session was full of curiosity to understand the business, words we described our learning as – smart, cool, different, confused, sufficient and FULL!