Children were exposed to Prism and Magnifier box. They were continuously look ing at every object using the prism glass and were exploring looking at materials in all angles of rotation. They looked at stone, leaf, flower, sunrays, plant, book , wall painting , pebbles, sand, pencil , formation of vanavillu (Rainbow) ……..
We heard people screaming from the hill informing about elephants. We all ran to the terrace for safety and also to see elephants.
Children explored Binoculars to watch elephant movements, Hills, sky, their houses at village, identifying their friends on water tank , dogs , trees, each other . Each one wanted to hold binoculars for long time, so few complained he is keeping more time, I want , I want. Then they made a line and counted 1 to 50 for each turn.
Children explored nature using books: They explored Books on nature like, trees, animals, insects, construction of building, Science books.
Children hooked on to science books and were engrossed in making of experiments using books. One explored sound making instruments, water timer, sand timer, exploring different materials to make their instruments.