Someone said “just three days in this week”! After the break week we began our sixth term on Wednesday, that left only three days at campus.
Well, the three day week began with term planning. Pondering over – What interests to fire, what to leave and what to continue. What to explore new and try new and what to continue. What about self and social life? How about family time? And that was the beginning of our term at the campus.
The spark began with planning and we forgot that it was just three days!
Football rolled on
Fitness spoke – yoga, running, stretching
Cooking flavoured
Rasam and more type of Rasam came alive
Web designing continued
System admins did not rest
Drums continued to practice to find that rhythm
Theatre was not behind to mesmerised
Solar heater finally heated water
Hot water continued to steam
Gardening was not left behind
Reading was not at rest
Auqponics moved a bit
Carpentry brought magic of creation of a washing cloth device
Sharing continued of home learning stories
For some studied science while some maths and some none
Some wrote a letter while some did accounts
Audio story recording did not sleep even in the night
Craft club continue to churn
“What you do for happiness ?” asked Ishani in a session on entrepreneurship
Team making session for campus care cried ”I need attention”
Some fell sick, some stayed strong
Music, chit chat, cooking, cleaning and hygiene found its own place
And series of session on documenting our journey continued with pride and frustration to bring smile
Guest came and went
Athena, our library held a session to share books “I would like to read in this month”.
And On Friday, ACTIVE WE said “Let’s make a wall” and the wall came alive with Rammed earth – no cement, no concrete – pure earth and ramming and that’s all!
Life did not feel any different in these “just three days”!