He is passionate about insects and Reptiles, traveling all around the world to see specific species of snakes and reptiles. He shared his passion with us at the campus. Whenever he comes to the camps, he brings excitement to the campus
We went around in search of insects
Below the rocks
Under the bushes
on top of a tree
Under our feet
and everywhere!
He left us with a caution – Please do not start picking up insects, remove rocks or play with the insects just for fun or to prove cool. Picking up insects requires a lot of learning with the experts. He is 16years but, he has been working in this field for last 7-8 years. He is picking up insects for the study purpose and is able to do it safely only after a huge exposure with different experts.
During the trip, we found two eggs of Night Jar (Bird), In Spite of caution, someone decided to pick the eggs and they got dropped. The eggs were soon going to be hatched, but they were broken just because someone in the group decided to have fun or wanted to take them home as souvenirs. This was sad and loss of wildlife at the campus.