- Think of a global problem and wonder where and how do you express for any action to be taken?
- Think of any problem at nation level and wonder where and how do you express for any action to be taken?
- Think of anyneighborhoodproblem and wonder where and how do you express for any action to be taken?
- Now Think of any home/community/familyproblem and wonder where and how do you express for any action to be taken?
Before we start thinking about solving world level issues, I guess we need to start thinking HOW do we empower our kids to approach at home/family level to raise their VOICE – which has a SAY in it. At Aarohi while we have many avenues to raise voices, we constantly create more spaces.
Started with ‘I have a VOICE’. The concept that ‘I’ have a voice can allow our kids to think that they have voice at many different levels. We began the session with thinking at different levels (global, nation, state and neighborhood) . While some kept pondering their role at global level, one of them was happy to think in different directions and expressed ‘this made me think about my voice (say) in any problem I face’.