How do facilitators grow?
learningfrom various people and experiences. Each Wednesday sharing circle for us to grow by reading related to parenting, growing or just adding value. Each week one of us bring any topic and conduit a training circle for allthe facilitators(kids invited too!)
This Wednesday,Ishani, fromUdaipurvisitingAarohiwith family shared about “Parent Cafe – The idea is that everybody shares and it becomes a collective wisdom – meaningfuldialoguein a safe expressive place. A belief that we as parents do have it in our self, its just that we need to bring that alive!
As parents/ teachers sometimes we become self righteous, sometimes we do with a agenda that it will help my child, need to teach to our children….but how about truly finding that space for myself and not doing anything for anyone else? How do we make deeper sense for self? How about dance for yourself rather dance for your child?
Often we get time for self, but we tend to only work for our kids as parents/ as teachers. How do we break that mindset and do things purely for self growth.Sense of sacrifice, then do we want something in returns? As kids grow older their physical, mental and social needs changes – they more like to be with peers, or self, and even then do we live for ourselves? Does that time for self bring guilt?If I have my unmet needs, then am I authentic?
Have ever questioned the deep rooted thoughts
“My needs are not important?
“Can I believe that I am worthy of my time?”
“Can I be free of my images of – caring, loving, care taker, responsible for the child?
“TIME FOR SELF” is a habit of mind”, can we develop that from the beginning?