

Start the day with imagining

Walking on clouds

Swimming in cold coffee

Giraffe in your pocket

Talking to your feet

Riding on a moving chair

Raining chocolates

And and and

Close your day with visualizing colours in your day…green helpful, adaptable yellow, confident blue, awareness orange, cheerful red, brown focus and and and

Visualize doing any task

Visualize at the end of the task

Visualize the skills you are using today

Visualize Feelings will rule your day

Visualize what gives you satisfaction at the end of the day.

In-between live your life – share your plans, cook, wash clothes, go for maths club, practice football, bake bread, make products, make wall, practice music, practice drum, attend different sessions, make movie, attend to repairs, dream of learning Utsav, write, record stories, listen to stories, and that was all about living and learning at Aarohi this week!
