Some Children, specially in emotional state of mind, tend to sometimes use – what is considered by some as abusive language – words like Fuck, Asshole, this Sucks, Holyshit, what the heck, etc. The other children pick this as something fashionable – hence curse words like above are becoming more common. Well, its confusing. May be lack of appropriate language leads to using one word for all expressions 🙂 or the over exposure leads to using language without understanding.
Example – What the heck
When eat food and I see soup I say ‘what the heck’
When I see chicken Biryani in dinner, one says ‘what the heck’
When one falls. expresses ‘what the heck’.
When there is confusion in sports, one says ‘what the heck’.
Whatever is the case, time to look into language exposure – from songs, movies, books, peers, family, etc. Also time to bring in different medium for replacement language. Also time to practice some compassion language. Also time to explore some rich language. Also time to enjoy, language and expressions.
We pondered in thought club, four groups were made and each group came up with various options…here is summary
Words used – Idiot/fuck/This sucks – We wondered on replacement expressions
This was bad experience
It’s hard for me
This does not work for me
Throw off
Stop troubling
Ask or help
Take break
It rocks
Stop troubling me
This does not work for me
Use feelings….. frustrated, suffocated, I am not heard, impatience, angry, bored, uncomfortable, overwhelmed
Words – Shut up/ Get lost/ Fuck off – How one can talk about self needs? Talk about your need…. I need my space/time/air/ counseling/support/ help/ acceptance/ friends
Leave me alone
Please go away
Please stop doing that
I am not fine with it
Donot disturb
Please move
I am not like
Stop talking
Stop complaining
I am annoyed
I need space
Let’s talk later
Donot interfere
I am done
I had enough it
Please stop we are done
Enough is enough
End of story
Please stand 10 feet away
Keep quite
Please clarify
Clarify what you are saying
I want to understand
I needed pieces
Don’t debate
I will talk later
I need space
Words – Idiot, Loser, joker, dumbo. Piggy, showoff, dumbo, piggy, Niger, Buffon, fucker. Some expectations are not met……..I expect to you to fast/ share/ quick/ thoughtful/ do it better/ listen/
I am jealous of you
I just can’t understand
I want peace for myself
I am under pressure
You are not thinking enough
You are being I sensitive
Stay away for now
I don’t like
I am not in mood
I am jealous of you
Usage of abusive language – an opportunity to go deeper into different aspects of language It is not about if I am using abusive langue or not, it is more about to ponder
What is abusive language?
How did it come (may a be reading into history or words can enrich us with this) ?
Read about different words – how do they becomes abusive, while others did not?
May be time relate different abusive words and see if there is any pattern?
May be understand how language is made or abused?
What role family can play – make language or abuse?
How family can work on language development?
What are the different kinds of language – abusive, compassionate, official, slang, cool, media, religious, friendly, social….the list is endless.
ImagineAarohi, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.