Aarohi O Campus Development – Pee a Tree Campaign

Aarohiis an alternate open learning school. Its an organic learning center where the child drives whole of his or her learning – they decide what they want to learn, how they want to learn, when, with whom, how much and do self assessment of their learning.

Aarohi is setting up a Open campus in a village near Hosur – to bring this kind of open learning opportunities for people from all walks of life.

So at Aarohi O campus – we have initiated a drive called ‘Pee a Tree’ – targeted primarily at boys/men:

When one wants lots of trees – planting lots of saplings is simple. What is far more challenging and critical is taking care of them. Top among care needs is water and fertilizers.

The idea is for each individual to adopt a set of tree saplings. Now (during day time) – pee, in rotation, on any one of trees in your set. When you goto pee, carry a liter of water (bottle) and add that to the tree after the ‘job’. If possible and required, add some mulch to the tree bowl (leaves, barks, sticks etc). If you see any weed in the tree bowl – remove it.

Here is a quick note on human urine as fertilizer:

Human urine is one of the fastest-acting, most excellent sources of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and trace elements for plants, delivered in a form that’s perfect for assimilation. Not only that, we all have a constant, year-round supply of it – and it’s free!

Fresh human urine is sterile and so free from bacteria. In fact it is so sterile that it can be drunk when fresh; it’s only when it is older than 24 hours that the urea turns into ammonia, which is what causes the ‘wee’ smell.

Dilute one part urine to 10-15 parts water for application on plants in the growth stage. Dilute in 30-50 parts water for use on pot plants, which are much more sensitive to fertilisers of any kind. Trees, shrubs and lawns are fine with undiluted urine, but for obvious reasons apply it underneath fruiting bushes, as opposed to directly on to foliage and fruit.

Antibiotics, vitamin supplements and other medications will end up in your urine, but in such minute quantities as to be negligible, especially when diluted in water.
