Gratitude is a habit of mind!
Yes, one can develop this attribute in our living provided we want it, we understand its value and we practice it.
This week at the campus in Aarohi we celebrated “gratitude”, The purpose was to create the awareness and leave it to the individuals to explore, practice and make it a habit of mind.
Consciously we thought of things which help us in our living and one can be thankful for – Our thumb, our helpers, the services, the facilities, the environment, the weather, the phenomenon … initially it was amusing to say thank you our thumb or the railroad which helped us in travelling, but later it became exciting to think about all those unusual phenomena to be thankful to!
We documented what we did throughout the week with the consciously thought of all the things which we can be thankful (except people) – stationery, mud, texture, story, cement, words, resources, books, brain, tools, blackboard, sandpaper, box, wind, coconut oil, sun, water….the list is endless.
It was mind-blowing to think what all one can be thankful for!