Exploring a game in different ways….
We started to discuss about cricket and most of them were in to it… some had already played the game, some had watched the game before… We were talking about the way the game was played and were reasoning out a few things like…. Why only 2 people enter the field with the bat? Why can’t all the other players in the batting team also come inside the field with the bat? What do they do outside? Why only 1 player throws the ball? Why not all? Should everyone run behind a ball? Kids reasoned them out in their own way. Kids shared that the players are in one team…and the players outside watch the match and wait for their turn. We also tried playing the game with only one batsman and one bowler, with all the others being fielders and all working together in a team but fielding only the area assigned to them. Then we also tried increasing the number of bowlers. The batsman said it’s too confusing. Even the fielders said it’s so chaotic. At times kids have even forgotten their fielding boundary and were all over the place… Then kids were given different scenarios to act. They added different alternate ways of handling the same situation like what would happen if someone has forgotten their lunch packed for the picnic….. Kids different approaches were interesting to watch…. Kids were shared a riddle and they tried giving answers….. Few kids also shared riddles… which we all tried to find….