FRIENDSHIP with TEEN CAFE – Some wanted to know “how to decide how to make friends. The session was not an answer to the above need, but to think for myself and be aware of my needs. It was more about co-creation and learning from each other.
So here we go – The format was prompting questions, the group sharing and playing with colors to express.
Think of all the friends you have, think of the time you spent with your friends
What needs does friendship fulfilling? – A different perspective, Help, support, lighter, sense of belonging, validated, cool,
Role – in passion, in your feelings, emotions,
Different types of friends – comfortable with, you can be completely yourself, some comfortable, some not comfortable, time pass friends, advisors, supporters, betray, some bully, some take for granted, some gossip, some talk backbite, acquaintance, collaborate,
Who can be your friend – Opposite gender, age difference, background?
Can a boy and a girl be friends?
Can they have a meaningful conversation?
What is the difference between relationship?
What narrative or images do you have about a relationship?
What all are the Ingredients of the friendship – trust, don’t backStab
What do you do to be a good friend – Listening, Judging, Respecting, Loyal, Caring, Helping, Best, Being truthful, Let go fights,
Narratives of wrong friends – Teaching you bad habits like smoking, showing you inappropriate stuff, like you for your possessions, Why are we friends with some and not friends with some? – past experiences,
What makes friends worthy?
What are the values based on that we judge friendship
Is friendship different for different gender?
Draw an incident where your friends influenced you to do something? Is peer pressure good or bad?
You know what you need, there is no one formula to make friends or choose them – it just happens. So just go ahead and make friends!