Independence day was a reason to celebrate FREEDOM – we asked, what all do we want to be free from – any anxiety, fear, one habit, an excuse, one belief, one image, anyone block, … or nothing.Being controlled by others, Slave of Fear, People, Emotions, Desires, Wishes, Ideas, Beliefs, Thoughtful, Other’s opinion, Habits, Interest, OCD, Likes, and Dislikes,
Every Monday there is an indoor game to play – 80% of us gets engrossed in the playing of games. Sometimes there is a new game, sometimes common games, sometimes visual games, sometimes word game, sometimes number games, sometimes thinking games – all kinds of games are welcome! Scrabble was the game we played – some played for the first time, some played with full energy and rubbed their energy on others. For each coin, there were 5 points, but none bothered about the points – all they got engrossed in was “what word”! FREEDOM FROM OWN LIMITATIONS!
This week’s curriculum chosen as writing History blog, stock market, carpentry, NIOS, story for theatre show, AKD, making jewelry box, football, Spanish, nature drawing, making mini book, preparing for exhibition, product making, costing, Internship planning, cooking, rest, fish tank, know more about fishes. Freedom from our limited definition of education!
And then detailed planning – What about thinking about my fitness? Do I want to read a book, what and why? What about self need? And the social relationship? And my emotions? Can I identify my weakness? What habits of mind will help me? And wondering how all the about part of planning? FREEDOM FROM THE SLAVERY OF FOLLOWING OTHERS!
But what is planning? The dictionary meaning of plan says “a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something”.
And the synonyms are “scheme, plan of action, idea, master plan, game plan, proposal, proposition, ploy, suggestion, project, programme, system, method, procedure, strategy, formula, recipe, scenario, arrangement, schedule, agenda; way, means, measure, tactic, tack, plot, device, manoeuvre, Planning is not only about “what all I want to do or how all I want to do?”. It is more about knowing myself and my needs. It’s also about dreaming! And just thinking about the day/week, allows to dream and connect with that dream. The actions follows the planning, sometimes it does not happen and then reflection allows to understand self. Freedom from limited definitions! |
Safety is part of living – it is not about the danger but it is more about awareness and preparation to face emergency situations. We co-created “what can be the meaning of safety circle” –My awareness – about my needs, First aid, Know body needs, Reach Out to Support – People Around Me, Neighbours, Government – Ambulance, Police, Forest officer, Parents – My parent, Guardian, Community. During the session, kids called up ambulance, hospitals, police station, forest officer…to conform their numbers and availability. Some kids felt anxious, some were indifferent. FREEDOM FROM OWN ANXIETY AND IGNORANCE!
Jaatre, an interactive session with Nivedita, a crafter, an entrepreneur. Standardizing the process of production helped her in growing her business. She says “every time I took a step, I was not confident, but I took the new step”. FREDDOM FROM OWN APPREHENSHIONS!
He likes history, he likes to talk about history. Today he made himself free form his own apprehensions “will I be able to take the Jaatre?” He presented a part of the history of Humpi – after the session, he said: “I am feeling confident and feeling relieved”. FREEDOM FROM SELF-BELIEFS!
DARE – Any 1 OPINION you dare to change? Any 1 EXCUSE you dare to be free from? Any 1 DESIRE you dare to be free from? Any 1 HABIT you dare to be free from? Any 1 ACTION you dare to be free from? Any 1 FEAR EMOTION you dare to be free from? Any 1 THOUGHT you dare to be free from?
TRUTH – Any 1 OPINION you were slave of today? Any 1 EXCUSE you were slave of today? Any 1 DESIRE you were slave of today? Any 1 HABIT you were slave of today? Any 1 ACTION you were slave of today? Any 1 FEAR EMOTION you were slave of today? Any 1 THOUGHT you were a slave of today?