I love you, but sometimes I hurt you.
I care about you, but sometimes I am harsh to you.
I think about you, but sometimes I am not listening to you.
I make many mistakes.
And I know you forgive me
And move along with me.
But sometimes it’s difficult for you to forgive me.
If knowingly or unknowingly, if I have hurt you in any which way,
On this day of the year, I ask for forgiveness from bottom of my heart with all my spirits.
I say “Michhami Dukkadam”.
Micchāmi Dukkaḍaṃ (मिच्छामि दुक्कडम्)is commonly used to seek forgiveness and to mean, “If I have offended you in any way, knowingly or unknowingly, in thought, word or deed, then I seek your forgiveness.” As a child, I grew up following the Jain religion. Every year on this day of SamvatsariorKshamavani ofParyushana, (same day as Ganesh Chaturthi) we greet our friends withMicchāmi Dukkaḍaṃ, seeking their forgiveness.
Each day at the end of the day we run through our day and connect with our feelings – Am I feeling uncomfortable and want to express, Am I feeling gratitude for someone, or Am I feeling sorry for something – we express with the community. Ths brings an opportunity to express.