its a different fun in playing in the ground made by self – story of making of our play ground.
We needed a playground to play football, some kids got together, called for JCB, got the clearance of one the patch, dimensions were taken, costing was done and repeated follow up with JCB uncle taught us ‘don’t give up’.
Well, this was not end of our work, this was just beginning. Soon we realized for the growing learning community of Aarohi we needed bigger ground. So the adjacent patch was surveyed, again JCB was called (many times) and again we learned ‘don’t give up’.
After this, when we kick the ball sometimes it would go into bushes or ditches beyond our cleared ground … this called for some more work. We surveyed some of the ground covering, weighed pros and cons of various coverings, finally we planted some Bamboos for long run,and bought net for temporary covering.
Long Bamboos were used for goal post and side covering….one of the day many took part in making of goal post and covering the side net. One shared ‘its is a different fun in playing in the ground made by self’. Work still continues as we face and solve other issues while playing 🙂