It takes a village to raise a child is a proverb which means that it takes an entire community of different people interacting with children in order for children to experience and grow in a safe environment. (Ref –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_takes_a_village)
Family week at Aarohi is an attempt to get exposure to different practice from different lives, cultures and home environments. Different ages, different culture, different skills… time together, live together and we grow together!
Cooking, Playing, Singing, Laughing, Painting, Candle packaging for upcoming business, Making mud flooring, Observing, Connecting, Watching documentary,
Learning Mela was another opportunity to learn from different ages, different skills and different styles…7yr old teaching Tamil, whiel another 10yrs old set up a massage stall, one parent sharing about the various skills of embroidery and crochet, one parent brought curiosity with maths puzzles while another one brought the joy of juggling, one child challenged us with chess moved while another one shared about Japanese language, one shared music theory while other one shared stories from Mahabharata.
Multi Jaatre brought and opportunity to listen to different people and their interest. Radhika, part of NEXT school at Mumbai, shared about big picture philosophy…Go to school to work. Poornima, involved in designing a product – Open prisoner tracking system – to share about the product she shared a bit about the life of a prisoner, a bit about the prison, the needs of the product, the thinking process and usage of the products and further development incorporating GPS technology. It was interesting and challenging design assignment for her. The design, the usage and it’s application generated a lot of curiosity among us. Music theory with NIOM began with a question “what is a note? How do they make an octave? What is key? What is scale? What is tone? How to find a chord?
Aarohi Ki Dukaan brought opportunity to understand the roles of “whole seller, dealers and retailers”.It was total chaos, in understanding Supply chain – manufacturers, dealer whole saler, retailers –Our Lunch was to earn by being part of supply chain.
Night trek, Morning trek, Making nursery bags all were part of our Friday activities. And Community lunch was delicious with parents cooking various dishes. Watching documentary movie together about The Seven Wonders of the World brought an opportunity to look into past and wonder together!