Family Satsang…families coming together with the need of deeper social connection through some activity of mutual interest. This Family Satsang was no different. We met, we traveled together and we pondered on “religion”.
Sleeper Bus, Fun, Togetherness, Families, children, parents, grandparents, seat allocation, Night travel, humpty dumpty roads, sleepless night, laughing and laughing for nothing – was all about the travel.
Fresh morning, chill, smile, hugs, warm welcome, walk in the streets of Banavasi, hot breakfast, connecting, history of Banvasi, planning, sharing, apprehensions, understanding, hide seek in house, searching for our rooms, laughing and laughing for nothing – was all about the first morning.
Visiting temple, eating pineapple, posing for pics, sitting and meditating in temple premises, running around, just relaxing, listening to temple stories, marveling the architecture, wondering temple as social space, ride in a local bus, laughing, sleeping, making a play out of dry Arica nut leaf, Visiting lab of microbes to understand the next level revolution in farming, bugs, yucky, wow, does that happens, how does that happens, water log, save water, microscope, scientist and Laddoo laughing and laughing for nothing – was all about our afternoon.
Rest, sumptuous lunch, connecting, admiring, receiving love and warmth, sharing stories, witnessing Arica nut process, understanding farming, streets of Banavasi, playing hide seek with the help of CCTV, a bit opening, a bit wondering, a bit admiring, a bit curious, a bit tired, all ages together, laughing and laughing for nothing – was all about the evening.
Religion, sharing, culture, images, beliefs, openness, why, why not, how, how else, believe in god or no, universe, energy, religious or atheist or nothing, food, festival, sharing readings, a bit of Vivekananda, a bit of Louise Hay, a bit if video on origin of religion laughing and laughing for nothing – was all about Satsang on religion.
Dinner, connection, family, farming, courage, business, hard work, efforts, gratitude, admiration, inspiration, breaking of family, making of family, relationships, knowing each other, personal stories, sharing stories, laughing and laughing for nothing – was all about our night.
Fresh morning, lazy morning, chill in the air, hot Dosa, exchanging stories, admiring, inspiring, packing, preparing to travel in a pick up van, a bit of apprehension, a bit of excitement, a pick up van full of people, singing, walking across acres of pineapple farm, humbleness, juicy pineapple, endless pineapple, overeating pineapple, understanding farming, and again traveling, again laughing, and laughing for nothing was all about our morning
Dip in play pool at the farm, Truck loads of Arica nut, playing endlessly in the small play pool, dashing, Kabbadi in the pool, jumping, cooking together, respecting, admiring, being by self, splashing, lunch in and out of pool, hot lunch sharing stories, laughing for nothing – was all about our afternoon.
Walk in the Arica nut farm, some called it forest of Arica nut, making a play out of dry Arica nut leaf, carpet of Arica nut leaves, gathering around for reflection, thank you , gratitude, humbleness, respect, regards, appreciation, grateful, thankful, satisfaction, universe, delighted, gratified, contended, peaceful, and A BIG FAMILY to hug laughing and laughing for nothing was all about evening
Pineapple juice, Dinner together and Bye Bye with GRATITUDE was all about Family Satsang at Banavasi hosted by Imaad and his family.