The Friday training on Facilitation was interesting. It helped to go back to the basics of what is my role as a faculty?
Monday morning sunshine time got in loads of doubts. All of us were doing meditation. Suddenly in the background song from Chennai Express pops up. Few start swaying to the same, few look at each other and smile. As a faculty I was thinking what is my role now? Do the children not know about the meditation and silence time, are they not aware of what it does to tem, and is it their need to acknowledge the song. Should I talk to them, listen to them all doubts in my mind. My mind kept going back to what is thy role?
Same place another situation two friends giggling, laughing and chatting away. Ah!! I said another thing for me. Now what is my role? Again the same questions. I was in confusion what do I do.
After all this when we were sharing our thoughts on silence and mediation I shared today I was very disturbed because I was in doubt as what should I do. I said Friday training has brought in loads of self-doubt and I am looking forward to go with a fresh view and thoughts on facilitation. Only one thing children shared go as this is your first day as faculty. I realized yes that is another perspective. (A gentle reminder to what I had forgotten). Take each day, each situation as a new day and see what you are doing and is it helping you and the other person. At every action that I do I am now thinking is this faciliation? So a long way for me …………