Session to Explore Multiple intelligence:The session started and ended with clapping actions in a circle which they were catching up.
The clarity in instruction and setting code: starting instruction “Dosa” for do and “Pongal” for pause and listen caught understanding and the musical tool to grab attention Visually and auditory helped to pause, listen and do.
Activity: We used pens and pencils as a resource to explore Multiple intelligence. We had different round to explore pen/pencil – made poems on pencils, debate on pens, models using pens, closing eyes feel the pen texture, visually explored different shapes and curves.
Reflection: Write about one new experience they felt while exploring pens.
Summarised reflection of today’s session as a facilitator
What worked
1. visuals of chocolate time and session schedule helped the children co-operate.
2. Activities in smaller groups were effective
3. Dosa and Pongal keywords for Do and Pause respectively were helpful to conduct multiple activities back to back.
4. Creative musical jingle to bring attention captured attention.
5. Conductor-and-observer model helped in various ways- firstly to easily manage the large group, secondly in keeping uptime and removing repetitive instructions
.Improvements to implement
1. Many activities in a short time didn’t go as well as we thought, it was less time to think and write or do
2. Reflection with writing to include more time
3. Group activities will end with group reflection and self-activity will end with a full group reflection
4. Minimize verbal instructions – increase visual instructions
5. Children needed more time to even start thinking of writing a poem, or reflecting or debating than one minute. It was a new experience for all of them.