

This week I’m not going to push myself. I will do whatever I like whenever i want.
Some the things i want to do are: Painting and drawing, Record songs, Science experiment (how fast are the vehicles moving in a given distance)
Train my dog
Write a song / poem
Make ice-cream
Reading I want to enlarge on my reading because now at days i am not reading that much. i also have to improve on my vocabulary.
Vocals training (online) I would want to enlarge on this to make my vocals stronger and my voice clearer.
I will also do other important stuff like some subjects, chores and other things. I will also start making a timetable after some
oday I explored eyebrows with different materials such as normal pencil, charcoal pencil, graphite powder, charcoal powder paper blending stick and brushed (Doesn’t look like I used all that).
this week we are ready with ou plan. we planned our week last night itself so i am feeling very excited that planning is progressing.
visual planning of weekly schedule interested my son to participate willingly. tried mind mapping method.
this past week we did gardening ,sang songs ,did reading ,a little maths ,watched some disney movies and made fathers day card and cake production from Cartoon character or what I watch on tv ,mobile, , Arham shared a lot about what cartoon character he likes and what all they do ,how do they do etc their names , painted house for them on the paper, ask me ,papa to watch with us and keep on share while watching seee…what is going on …. Playing game together on the phone
I also enjoyed the interaction with the participants.
This kind of thing was first time for me.
When I agreed to this. I didn’t know on what skill I put the stall. What should I teach?
I went through all the skills I have, in my mind.
I took one by one skill and thought how can I teach this in virtual stall.
Till Wednesday,. I did not exactly decide.
Later on I zeroed on the topic/skill.
Home based science experiments which progressed, deviated from the original and also that failed. All of them fun and mind boggling nevertheless.
My daughter did zentangling. (Inspired by me). She was so happy to use my doodle pens
I enjoyed doing it with all singing which was not my cup of coffee and connecting to own learning ,how our planning of the week went and what all we did etc
Arham and papa enjoy doing worksheet together in the evening in his train boggie.sometimes he does 2-3 and he does it through timer game ,how much time it takes to do it…
He watched Zakir Husain tabla music concert and observed flute in the same video ,explored flute ,it’s blowing style and postion of the finger by watching learning video on the you tube.and went on whole day Pairing he connected his painting to Paw petrol cartoon and it is his house.named all the character in the show,what he likes ,what all happens ,lot of sharing happened
I had an absolutely lovely week. On Monday and Tuesday I woke up early and headed out for a walk with my mum. Those were the two days I really followed my timetable. I sat with my mom. We studied like full on and I was really surprised. We learnt a lot about the mughal king Akbar and also did some geography. I find geography interesting only when we learn about how things were in the past. In geography we learnt about how our earth was even before there was a human race. I really love learning about the mughal kings how they arrived, what were their ways, and how vast their armies were. Especially Akbar. I was really fascinated by him. He was so clever he was
How were you feeling before the session? – Excited.
After? – Happy
During the session? – little confused
How do you rate yourself? – 7.5 out of 10
What was good? – ppt was good
What could have been better? – I need to talk more clearly
My reflection: today I was the river and it flowed very smoothly. I could direct myself (the river) very easily and there weren’t many rocks in my way. Even if there were a few a few rocks they got carried away by the river so I didn’t have many obstructions in my way. The plants are the many ideas and thoughts I got during the day. My plants today were the patterns and drawings in my brain that I got during drawing mandala art
Today I tried to draw Misty Copeland and she is a Ballet dancer, actually she is the first black Ballet dancer.the sketch dose not quiet look like her, I am not happy with the face and the leg which is bent is kinda short other than that I am happy with the sketch.please give me feed back (one of the palm looks like it’s cut of in the image but dont mind that).
I was just a tiny particle in the river. The river was just what I felt like doing at that moment and today I feel I didn’t think much about what I had to do
My day was good but tiring. I hardly did any house work which is making feel too guilty bco my mil did most of the work. But I was occupied with other things so I’m trying to be peaceful. It wasn’t much productive. I didn’t do much. I was just occupied in random things.
My body is river,
My soul is the water
Water flowed smooth when the environment ,no one is there around river and its bank .Anxiety, happiness, tiredness caused different feeling accordingly river and water moved on the path.day of the river was so fulfilled, workfilled ,sstill river not stop movi g along with water , water is taking rest ..
I think myself as the river and my thoughts are the current. And today for me i feel i wasn’t thinking about much stuff, just doing them. And also i can say there were many rocks which were blocking the river to flow like tiredness, irritation and frustration. And there were also many plants growing on river (me) like motivation,to workout in the evening and pushing myself to clean my extremely messy room. I think today was not that productive compared to how my others are..i can say that there were many weeds that grew in the river. This is my reflection for today. And i think this will help me to analyse and be more productive tomorrow..
Every week we plan to pick up one language and consciously speak in that language, this week it is english becaue even when we have the vocbulory not using it was keeping us tongue tied at times therefore exploring this form of building expression
Get over frustration
I face frustration a lot during my workouts or practice. I don’t like failing, that could be helpful for some people to become better. In my case most of the time it drives me crazy. That does not help one bit in my growth.
Perfection is my strength and weakness. It helps me create and do things with quality but it also creates limitations within me. Many times it leaves me having high expectations for myself and I start feeling inadequate. I also start overthinking about things and it fills me with anxieties.
This week I just felt like painting so I pained this. I did these paintings with acrylic colours on a canvas sheet, please give me feed back. I tried to draw Pierre Gasly, instead of making him look like a Frenchman he looks devilish. I think the face is too chubby, and this time the neck is small, somehow I never get the smile and teeth right. Please give me feedback.
Why natural personal care?
One very simple exercise to do is to read the ingredients behind any cosmetic product – shampoo bottle/toothpaste. Research about the ingredients. Find out for yourself. Know what are you using.
When I researched the results were shocking for me, to learn that some ingredients are toxic for me. The baby shampoo contains ingredients linked to cancer and other lifestyle diseases! This was bad news and so I researched more and set down the path of natural personal care.
I had some questions about the next week’s topic which is -why was the indian people treated as a slave,why did the brithish people punish the indians even if they do a very little mistake
Anjali, Mother of ARham sharing “I feel Aarohi is a place where a child faces all experience and build his own strong path based on his experience …decide-plan-do-reflect-decide –choose a path – plan to walk- experience walking-how it went, why,what were, etc think -,stay or revise or renew the journey, keep walking Experiencing ……”
I just wanted to draw something and i remembered we were talking about space last Friday so i just painted/drew a black hole. i used paint and crayon.
One child – I need help, I plan but I keep postponing reading.
Another child – Why do you postpone?
First Child – because I do not want to do it
Well, when a child is not doing what the child has planned – let’s look into the nature of doing – is it the child really wants to do….planning is a process to DISCOVER SELF.
When a child says “online sessions boring, not able to sit in front of the laptop, difficult to attend a session” – an opportunity to understand the child’s nature – may be time to question our own beliefs about “what does it mean to attend a session”.
Emotions of irritation – do we want to fix it or just another skills, work in progress
Some of the interaction during today’s session – listen to the recording for more.