Dry Toilet in action


As the Aarohi community growing, we felt the need of more toilets. The question was what way?After connecting, debating, researching, surveying we zeroed down to UDD or dry composting toilet.

(if you are wondering what it is – pl come over and try it 🙂

So we decided to explore some new materials / methods for flooring and walls – we asked the same question to ourselves – what way? After connecting, debating, researching, surveying we zeroed down to floor using Chapri stones and walls using wattle and Daub construction.Constraintbrings creativity and wethat’swhatselfconstrainedisleadingfor us – we putconstraintof not making any twobuildingswith same material ortechnique, we continue to seek. This keep us alive.

The best part of building the wall and children from ages 2 years to adults 60 years old – almost 100 different children and adults from atleast 7-8 different countries – all of these at different times – contributed to making the walls.

Dry toilets work on two simple ideas

  • Our urine is manure – lets direct it to plants
  • Our poop is manure – lets compost it (and to do that do not mix water in it and it will soon be converted into manure by nature.

So in dry composting toilet – we pee in a separate basin and poop into a drum. The poop is covered by saw dust to not smell as well as dry it more. When the drum gets filled up – its kept aside for 5-6 months for the matter to decompose. Meanwhile the pee and wash water is going into pit of a banana circle to provide moisture and nutrition to banana and papaya trees etc. (more about banana circle in a separate blog)

Finallyour dry toilet is ready and we’ve started using it!

Exterior of walls are still waiting for some art work on them…waiting for Nikita come and work on naturalcolorswith us 🙂
