One fine morning
We got together to cut grass
But why Grass
Because it was too long
And we needed for mulching
Then why we?
Why not “get it done”
Then how do we know how does grass feels?
How do we know gras feel soft and rough?
How do we know how much pressure to put to take it out?
How do we know that “we can do”?
How do we know the feel of standing in the grass?
How do we know we all have various strengths?
How do we know we “I” is one but “we” is many?
How do we know we do not live in isolation?
How do we know we exist because others exists?
How do we celebrate “we did it”?
Then another morning, we again got together
To dig our ground
Now why?
To make our basketball court, to make our football practice wall, to make skating ring
But why we are doing?
We can see Seenappa doing
We can appreciate from far
But sometimes we also go closer and appreciate ourselves doing
But why?
Aarohi, a place of action
Do – Be – Do is our motto
Poet poet Lauris Edmond (1924-2000) said “life is not about being a spectator but a participator”.
And we do to know we can DO
We do together
We do alone
We do in many ways!