Different chidren, different needs, different reactions, different responses, different ideas, different soultuons, different chaanges, different solutions.
Few kids were excited to explore various games in Dome. They connected with board games, puzzles and various indoor games with so much of ease, while some find it difficult to even sit for few minutes.
Some worked alone while some prefer to work with others. They explored together Drama, Clay, tree climbing and board games with ease but fully involved.
Some worked alone, engrossed in their work.
Some worked on self-images and analysis – I can’t do, this is tough, this will take time and so on). While moved ahead with their challenges.
Some work on hands on work with ease while some found it difficult to start the work and kept avoiding.
Some worked on working with neighbors and went for cow grazing while some partca[ted in Ragi farming.
Some were very clear about various sessions and conducted with confidence while some found it difficult to prepare for sessions.
Each week brings a bouquet of experiences for us at the campus. And that keeps us alive.