Craft club with Kanchan – not only about making jewellery but self-discovery. 1-½ hours of work in making loops and putting beads brought an opportunity to know self-limitations and possibilities – some made, some made crude, some left, some tried many times – each one worked at different levels with different skills and possibilities!
Consistent feedback from Kanchan kept the energy going – kept on trying, celebrating their skills development.
Imagine Aarohi, An Open Learning Community, where there are no classes
Imagine a learning community where there is no curriculum
Imagine Aarohi where there is no teaching
Imagine Aarohi where there are no classes
Imagine Aarohi where there are no tests and exams
Imagine Aarohi, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.
Imagine Aarohi which does not make the learning easy. Children like it challenging.