Vineeta, a homeschooling mom, shared her experience of co-writing a book – book with stories of parents, children and teachers.
We began other pondering “What is creative writing”? – Thinking, imagination, adding jazz, metaphors, using huge words, etc.
Next was “What writing is called when you don’t use creativity? – text books, copy whatever on the board,
A writer writes differently – where does their writing come from? Where does the motivation come from? – Creating future ( in our stories), personal experiences.
Different people have different ideas about writing – Is there anything called ‘not being creative’ ( Is this not a creative explanation?)
Creativity is not only about writing or drawing but rather in every aspect of life.
Are we not born creative ?
Further, she shared her story of co-writing her book “Teaching tales, learning trails” with her friends, Neeraja Raghavan and Kamala Anilkumar.
She says “Its a process not only of what we write in first draft. But the work we do continuously”. She told that the team of authors started with the idea of writing a novel, then moved to short stories from parents, teachers and children.
How can we create our own stories?
A small exercise – “If you were to share about your life, which part of the life you would like to share? What is more important ? Sharing our stories in a group of three gave us the idea of how we all have some or other story to write!
The session ended with some of us inspired to write, meet more author, create a world through writing, imagination, read more books, curious to experience the process, I can write!
One shared “I have never met a REAL writer” – such simple joy of life.