We used to do all the preparation of each session by self, as teh time passed, in the name “busy” we began to take assistance from Laksmi aunty and soon she became the only one who would arrange for material for all. We lost touch with what is where in Amable (GK). One of the child commented “If Lakshmi does not come for a day, none of the faculty would be able to take session”. and in no time, kids too became used to “laksmhi aunty give us tape, give us scales…………..where are colurs, where are……………..hmmmmmm
Today, I had a wonderful time with session preparation – Each material was searched and arranged by self. Any time I was not getting any material , first name on my mind was “lakshmi, where is this? Second name was “selvi” and third name was “girija (assuming she is stationery leader”.
I pulled my self, I stayed with my inability to find the material and the belief that “the stationery is still kept to be user friendly, I will not be able to find any”. Finally I found ALL!!!! And we were pampered by Nivi “do you need any help, any stationery etc – Oh!!! Nivi this was morning fish”.
Although for my visual eyes, the arrangements are still “messy”, my open mind made me find all required material :-). See I am AMABLE!!!, I can change myself and rise for the occasion.
Well, sharing what we kids done at the campus (not expecting the same to happen here in the same form).
- Stationery is also sorted and kept as genie wise. And some are named stationery (s-1, s-2 etc like pens, pencils etc)
- All labels have a different color for the each genie
- All labels have a small logo for each genie.
- Yet, to take print out with details of the stationery
- Any stationery is less, or getting over will be written in a log book, checked and procured by the leader.
- We have yet not start with accounting, although we have started accounting for our grocery (will share in fursat, some other time)
- Most of the stationery is in transparent dabba (shoe box idea was super ghatia, we are using for limited things).
- KITS and RESOURCES (as per the content topics of Aarohi) are sorted.
- All are kept in 8 different color bags (rs 10/- each cloth bag) – labeling is in progress.
- Even if we do not have any resources for that topic – we are creating a bag, so we we can anytime preserve all our resources. No work, no resources are wasted.
Enjoying connecting with EACH material, each resource, each bit of paper, each straw on the floor.