Community to live and learn


Two Suggestions to bring changes in our schedule
Suggestions –“Planning to reduce to 45 minutes” –
DIscussion in various groups – The challenge is to cater to different needs, different levels of clarity of planning, Different views, various suggestions – as a community we came up with solution which we all agreed upon “45 minutes of planning and the one who’s planning is not clear will spend extra time, others can move on”. A very simple solution, practically nothing changed, but the experience was worth to bring clarity and understanding among the members.

Suggestions – Wake up a little late and sunshine 7-8 am, no active me
DIscussion in various groups – How about playing sports of our choice, how about a breather after sunshine…the solution was “make nature clubs and sports club to create excitement in playing” and rest remained the same!

COMMUNITY VOICE – Concerns raised were
Meal clean do as ateam, some are leaving in half by 13yrs old
TT area has become commenting and time pass area, community to come with a system to make it a doing/learning – by 46 yrs old
Rusk per person should be 6 if not 5 – by 12, 14 and 9 yrs old
Open sports is starting to be boring, people whiling away time, Open Sports and Active me is becoming chit chat time – by 14yrs old
The whole community is noisy – sometimes in the day people are little noisy, chit-chatting with each other by a nine yr old


Mela clean up – come as a team, talk relevant to the job, remind each other to come in time.
Rusk per person increased to 4, to have a balance of wants and needs.
All the day’s community sports – if anyone has any specific needs or needs to play a specific sport, plan and connect with the mentor. Similarly, make clubs and sports teams to play sports during active me time to keep you engaged.
TT- Plan and play, play with understanding,
Noise – Listen to other’s request, loud conversation outside working spaces, request to go out


Team of 4-5 people
Each team with one voice.
Discussing within the team and taking the opinions of the group.
Making a proposal
Sharing the proposal with the whole group
Other teams giving feedback
Including the feedback in the proposal
Presenting the revised proposal
Voting – Thumbs up (agree), Thumbs down (dis-agree), Thumbs side (live with it).
If any thumbs down- listening to the concern
Passing the Prospal when all are thumbs up or side (live with it)

Aarohi – An Open Learning Community – Education at Aarohi is an endeavor to Understand oneself and develop strengths, skills, and talents that one needs and wants

Enjoy exploring this wonderful world and connect with it in a meaningful way

Create own journey, live own dreams and add value to self every day.

To achieve this Aarohi offers, to all ages, an Open Learning Community:

Open to all kinds of interests, abilities, ages, beliefs, styles, and learning.

Learning by doing what one wants, how one wants, and self-reflection.

Community to understand interdependence and co-creation of our learning and life.REVIEW brings an opportunity to RELOOK into our system sand even UNDERSTAND them
