The job a facilitator is very dynamic – we are always on roller coaster ride – sometimes doing down, sometime going up, sometimes getting goosebumps, sometimes screaming with joy!
Three kids sketching for few weeks now. They came up with their own methodology – Sketching by imagination, seeing a picture from computer, challenging each other and having fun together. Sounded perfect to us! But in reality the action did not add much value to their skills. I have been objecting to their efficiency during these sessions – main objection is time spent on unrelated talks and doing the same thing everytime. Four of us have disagreement on this aspect – we keep arguing on its effectiveness!
As we interacted more, more stories came alive
- One child with own apprehensions “I can’t draw body, so I only draw what is easy”.
- One child ” I am good and no need of going beyond comfort level”.
- One child “resistance to learning beyond comfort zone. I am no good, I can’t”
While all these are assumptions based on various conversations and and they may be wrong. But these assumptions get confirmation in the absence of any progress in their skill development. At Aarohi we all have freedom to choose which session I want to attend. All three of them didn’t come for session with a resource person on painting and sketching – this gave the message that they are very satisfied with themselves and not need any external inputs. But their efforts are not enough to get satisfied with these actions.
All three have been resisting to commit beyond comfort. As a mentor, decided to pull out of their well! – challenged them to push – take up a structured course, or design your own structure or ask people to teach you or you look for learning lessons.
- One of them who is skillful in basic sketching was asked to choose a course to add further value in his sketching. He has chosen lesson plans from YouTube.
- One child who wants to be good but sitting with his own apprehensions – Gave a book on basics of cartooning (drawing different body parts) and ask to practice free hands.
- One child who is skillful with various art techniques but not practicing enough with the self image “I don’t do good” – Suggested her to draw and paint big stokes to get used to of opening hands and mind both. Also paint/ draw sketch everyday using different books. Each day use a different technique.
All three have taken up the challenge to grow and glow!