For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhanced the freedom of others – Nelson Mandela”
A reason to celebrate freedom with independence day.. but are we really free? Are we not slaves of – Fear of unknown, Resistance to try new things, I can’t, I don’t, I am not capable
I don’t like, Our own believe ‘ I knew I am dumb or ” I am the best”, Following others (imitation, temptation, comparison), Lack of choices (limited pretences), Own fears, People’s opinion/ liking – dress, talks, choice of words, Body Images…fat, thin, tall, shirt, black, fair.
In thought club sharing about something one feels embarrassed ( a song, a book, an incident)…a 16yr old boy having two Barbie dolls, someone listening to Japanese songs, childhood pretend and play, a 14yr old girl liking superman and toys and watching animation movies, crush in school, parody, prank played, 14 yr boy old hiding and reading a book about twin girls, being coward, curly hairs, not knowing English, owning but don’t like t shirt, sent out of the class, cheating in childhood, scary incident, bunking class, not knowing English, Vernacular home background…just sharing.
A session on body image…I am not fair, You are tall, you are so lucky, My skin will get tanned, My nose is long, I hate it, My hairs does not grow, I am so unlucky, Short hairs means modern girl, Fat means fun, Short means dumb…The list can be long but where does all this comes from? One child said “the society thinks, So I think”. But when asked “Why do you think?”, the answer was nil!
Watching a movie trailer from body shape prescriptive made us aware that the apart from the movie there were many subtle messages…tall hero, perfect shaped heroine (no wrinkles, no dark eyes, fair skin, smooth skin, tall hero, no marks, crooked looking villain, latest car brands). We watched one chocolate advertisement to explore messages injected in our minds…and one child said “even the chocolate is so perfect, but I never get that perfect in the market”. Is there anything like PERFECT body?
The subtle messages by the media – tall is smart, fair is beautiful, pimples are bad for beauty, flab on stomach is embracing, application of Deo will make you popular…
Millions of kids are beautiful and perfect the way they are…but they don’t feel nice about themselves the way they look…I am fat, and I have learnt to live with it, I think have extra fab on my stomach and hands and legs, I do not like my skin colour, I do not like my long ears, I am short, I think I am short for my age, I am fat and have round face and a bit short, feel bad for the dark skin, my legs are short and hands are long and like stick, people tease me for my bunny teeth…
Some expressions
Some pondering
Some thoughts
Some reflection
And that’s all about celebration of independence!