
It has been interesting to understand what does the new normal means?
We began with making extensive guidelines but the question arose “who will monitor the application of it?”
The obvious answer that came to us was “self”, believing that each one of us is responsible for responsible living.
And that led to us making
3 codes “Care of self, care of others and Care of all”.
3 practices “Wear mask, Wash hands and Keep DIstancing”.
While 3 codes allow us to understand our roles “
Three practices need understanding self – it’s not as simple as just wearing a mask or staying at a distance. Some images/some thoughts. some blocks – the mask is touch to wear, why to wear a mask, how can stay away from friends, it’s; okay not big deal, it’s very tough and so on”.
So first it was about knowing the current reality and then next week review through drama
Different situations given
Others gave the response
and the actors on the stage acted immediately
We rolled with laughter as the actors on stage brought the situation alive – people died, corona jumped, isolation went into the pocket, people become corona, enacted caring for others who were infected, and many more aspects of experiencing this new normal with theatre.
The same situation became joyful and brought a space to discuss further
We ended up sharing “I am currently practicing this way, I have changed this way and I want to try this way also”.
One said “my rating is 6 out of 10 for wearing the mask”
One said “I am becoming more sensitive for social distancing”
One said “I was overreacting, now I am taking it easy and fine with observing the situation”
The process continues …