As part of our health and hygiene, we explored ‘dental health’.
Interviews were taken to simulate about this topic with few questions –
How much time do you spend in brushing?
Why do you brush
When do you brush?
Do you consciously brush each teeth?
Do you brush in the night? Why? Why Not?
Do you massage your gums? Why? Why Not?
The survey revealed that – Most of us brush in the morning only. Very few massage gums. Night brushing is very less. Reasons for brushing – Bacteria free mouth, white and clean teeth. Many want teeth to be white, and white means clean.
This led to exploring ‘myth of brushing’.
Just one survey and some discussion around brushing made a difference in becoming aware of what and why are we doing something. The resistance to brush is less :). And some even time their brushing and massage gums and also be conscious to brush each teeth. Most of us know the reason to brush in the night but the belief of ‘brush first thing in the morning’ and laziness are the reasons. Both will take the time to understand the concept of bacteria free brushing.
The whole experience was an eye opener to know that how we are driven by beliefs and we also pass to our kids. What we are doing is not necessarily ‘correct’ on top of that we pass to our kids with confidence. So what do we need? Kids who can think or kids who can follow?
So, if kids are not brushing – it’s a good news…time to explore myth or brushing and understand WHY we need to brush.
Thoughts to ponder – “I do not want to be tied down with my own beliefs. I do not want to imprison myself within my room of truths. I want to be FREE. All I need to do is to question, challenge, doubt myself. This makes me aware. Then I need to play around with my views, experiment with my beliefs. Finally, I can open myself to others to question me, poke me, push me, pull me and help me to grow”.