During one of the activities we put lot of things on the floor and bring break in our walking patterns, The idea was to know self and how we get used of certain things and think this is the reality and this is the only way to move ahead.
Kids kept trays, clothes, water bowl and cardboard boxes on walking path. Now we had to be AWARE about every touch we had on the floor.We pinched self, touched and hugged. We did the same with others – kids expressed “every touch was different when it was done to others.It was fun to run and jump and run with hurdles to know our own body responses.
At the end we all wrote blog on “my body”. Some of them shared
- My body is not so flexible but I can do many other things like running, playing sports etc. I am very happy, I can do sport things, but I want to improve so I become osam, not for comparing but for playing and not hurting others.
- My body is not very flexible, I am working on it, I am body is ok ok on fitness and I am trying to make it Osam, I am pretty happy with my body but I want myself to be more happy.
- My body is moving in different directions. And I am working in making body more flexible and jump over high hurdles.
- I felt pain while doing yoga, I tried. In sports It was easy to high jump. I balanced my body while jumping. My body needs yoga and need full work.
- I feel uncomfortable sometimes when there is any weight on nay part of my body. My body gets tired very fast, If I am running on a upslope. When I am running on a down slope, I do not get tired, but I slow down. When I am in different postures, my body reacts differently every time. Few parts of my body are not used much when I am using that particular part of the body, it starts paining and reacts differently.