A session with Praveen to explore fitness through our body. Our body is equipped with all the necessary tools we need for building strength, flexibility and stamina – few demonstrations were enough to experience a different aspect of our own body.
We know him since he was 16yrs old
A quiet, young boy who wanted night shift job to earn to support himself.
We have a memory of his smiles, quietness (popularly known as shyness) and yes for any work given to him
He would work/sleep in the night and attend evening college
After few years we met him as an adult in one of the Valley school Krishnamurthy reading gathering
Our first reaction “you here!”
He just smiled and shared his inclination towards education and philosophy
After that, we met him when he wanted his son to be part of Aarohi
We discovered that he has worked and got expertise in fitness and yoga
We also discovered his love for Bollywood dances through his fitness videos
He is one of our fitness guides
He amazes us with his consistent experimentation