This session was to explore ones beliefs using stories. This time we greeted by placing one hand on the back of head and one hand on tummy and bending down. Reversing hands alternatively. Kids participated joyfully. Then we played Yes/No game…. Kids answered a few question without verbalising, but with actions. For Yes, hands behind ears and nodded their head up and down. For No, hands behind ears and nodded their head sideways. Following questions were asked. 1. If I drink Glucon D, I can fly. 2. If I keep a peacock feather in my notebook and feed it with rice, it grows. 3. The people and scenes I see in the TV are actually happening in that big box only. 4. I can’t run fast. 5. I can climb a hill. 6. I am very good. 7. I do all my works by myself. 8. I know to cook food. 9. I like to play in water. 10. I am afraid of lizards……. Kids responded enthusiastically with actions. Then we reflected on what basis they answered as either yes or no… Had varied interesting responses…. Few said, they decided based on what they see. Few said, based on what they experience and few said based on what they know. A child told that in advertisements they are cheating us by telling if we drink glucon D, we can fly… When asked how do you know it is that way? Kid responded by saying, after drinking it, I don’t get wings, so I can’t fly…. Kids were shared three stories…. One of a chained elephant and another of a shark & bait…. Another story of a farmer & his wife with a mousetrap….. Few kids were very interested….They wanted more stories…. At the end of each story, kids shared their thoughts and why the characters responded in a specific way…. Few also shared their thoughts like the elephant got used to it, it has become a habit, it is still thinking that it is chained….. So it forgot its reality….Then kids reflected on what all they wish to do, but are not doing because of some reason……. They shared their reflection as diagrams……