Kids see beauty in Embroidery and they want to learn
Kids see beauty in football and they want to do more
Kids see beauty in cooking and they want to learn cooking
Kids see beauty in painting and they want to learn painting
Kids see beauty in hoolahoop and they want to learn rolling it all around them
Kids see beauty in reading comics and they want to read more
Kids see beauty in sand work and they want to work with sand
Kids see beauty in stories of kings and queens, and they want to listen, read ore stories
Kids see beauty in craft and they want to create
Kids see beauty in blocks and they want to create
Kids see beauty in tyre and they want to stack them
Kids see beauty in trees and they want to climb
Kids see beauty in insects and they want to chase them
Kids see beauty in pets and they want to spend time
But somewhere we go wrong when it comes to
Writing – they lose interest before they start writing
Maths (numbers) becomes tough before kids even know what all are numbers about
Geography, before eatery feel the wind and sun, they run away from it
Science, before they even think of “why, how”, they are allergic to the definition of friction
Ecology, even before they understand their role
Economics, even before they understand what is moneyPolitics, even before they know how a home is run (forget about how a country runs)
Self, social – How to express, how to communicate, how to ask for help.
While there is so much beauty in numbers, in words, in wind in friction in observing, in wondering, in money, in budgeting in leadership, In emotions….wonder why the kids ( learner) loose beauty in such a beauty of learning in life!