Bamboo and Learning

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Imaginea learning community for children (and adults) where there is no curriculum – because we believe that children can decide what they want to learn, how much they want to learn. So children effectively choose what they want to do or learn from whatever is worth doing or learning in this world.

Journey of making of DOME is no different….we did not know how to work with Bambaoo…so when it came to making our next space for sessions, Bamboo became our choice :).Imagineaarohi whichdoes not make the learning easy. Children like itchallenging.

Firstlearningwas how toidentifyfrom where does one get Bamboo

Then how to cut

Then how totransfer

then How to treat

the how to use

and how to build

One trip to Sapana Ranch (near Pune) gave us idea about Bamboo and its structures

Meeting andlearningfrompeoplearound – we learned about Bamboocuttingandtransferring

Research andinteractionswith variouspeopleallowed to lear about how to treat bamboo

Treating themactuallyallowed to usto fall in love with Bamboo

One interim structure of Geo dome wasmadetounderstandthestructureof dome

“Go slow Aarohi Ahead”….theprojectis going onsincelast one year, we are still making base structure.

ImagineAarohi, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.
Imagineaarohi whichdoes not make the learning easy. Children like itchallenging.
