Do you wonder what does it means “Do what I want – I decide – I do?” Does freedom to choose means no responsibility of commitment?
Life at Aarohi involves committing to yourself as well to the community. Contributing on a daily basis to all aspects of life like the campus, kitchen and resource care, as well as involving one in various projects at the campus and contributing in sessions and committing to your goals (interest, passion, dreams) of interest and learning basic skills. Living at Aarohi means contribution not only consuming, Each one of us contributes as well as consume.
Living at Aarohi brings the need of BALANCE in self and community needs. We explored ‘balance’ in our planning and re-looked at contribution in various areas. We dissected our hours spent in various categories and realized that for some entertainment was high while some spent time in developing and some found balance in their work. For all of us seeing our day visually through colored tokens was a self-correcting tool. This helped us to divert our energies to the various task we DREAM to do.
We divide our contributions in eight category
- Learning (Basic Skills) – Anything which I am learning. Something I do not know and I do it consciously like a language, computation, science topics, cooking etc. This is not exploration (do it for a day or few days) but with a target and end results, for example, learning to read or write for some period till you get the desired results.
- Developing (interest and talents) – Any interest, practicing or doing through a structure (made by me or conducted by others like coach, course etc)
- Testing (any work which is tested by others like the making of Dome, wall painting, a Mobile pouch for the campus, gift factory, tippe shower, swings making etc).
- Conducting – Conducting Various sessions like music jam, reporter etc, mid-week magic, quiz, campus training etc.
- Planning and Reflecting – Weekly review and reflection, documentation, contemplating, silence, portfolio making, CAT map reviewing.
- Participating and Contributing – In community development like Thought club and Community sports, Music Jam, Campus care, daily kitchen upkeep, adopting book section,
- Entertaining, Socializing and Selfing – Participating and receiving without doing much (passive by mind or body) like video games, movies, playing with friends or alone, Active me, Socializing – Gupshup, sharing, gossiping, social media, teasing, bullying, advising, counselling, listening to others, interfering, commenting, Being with self, listening to music by self, sky watch, reading, Rest, sleep, fitness, emotions, personal hygiene etc
- Exploring and Experimenting – New skills new topics, attending various sessions, outdoors, Kaa, volunteers, resource people, Trying different ways, failing etc