“A day in Auroville! For the list you have, you need weeks”.
The person who said the above was the same person who was telling us the names of so many interesting places we should visit.
Auroville sounded, and turned out to be like a multi-university.
In every corner was a small organisation or group or community, all ready to share, each a temple of learning.
So our one day of roaming around was like a crash course, one that we thoroughly enjoyed.
We visited (in this order) place where they make and sell artifacts and crafts out of paper (well paper), a home of sound and instruments (svaram), a cosy little factory of hand crafted fashion apparel (upasana), a paradise of natural farming where every little leaf was revered and many eaten (solitude farm), a mammoth carpentry yard which churns out the finest finishes I have ever seen (prakrit), young entrepreneur who understands people and their needs and then designs and makes electric cycles for easy commute (Kinisi)
And finally a community of and by youth bubbling with love, tree houses and unlimited pizzas for us (youth center).
It was indeed a crash course in humility, dedication and joy of living one’s dream.