Some new, Some old, Some big, Some small…it didn’t matter. The life began with exploring autonomy – the power to make decisions!
The life of each one of us revolved around “what I want to do” – A wish to make own laptop led to opening an old laptop, endless play of table tennis, practicing Guitar, exploring the craft of Macrame, cooking, celebratingbdays, making own schedule for self as well for the community, buying grocery, arranging kitchen sorting resources, setting up our own beds, and encountering a snake and rescuing it, and making a hut,exercisingcutting tonnes of vegetables forpavbhaji, knowing aboutCaperiowithMeghainJaatre, multi lingual story telling, baking, knowing each other, listening to life stories, some meditating, some healing, singing, reading, gardening, drumming safety training…some observing,some trying, some doing, some talking…some clear, some lost and that was the week for us.
- A group of kids singing and practicing classical on top of their voices
- A group of kids playingTable Tennisendlessly (day or night – it didn’t matter)
- A group of people learning andteachingthe magic oftieingknots with Macrame
- Kitchen team shopping for grocery for the entire term and exclaiming over the bill
- Resource team setting the campus back to place after a month break
- Adults – some new, some old at the campus meeting together to explore the possibility of “self growth” in parenting and facilitating in sharing circle
- A group of interested adults meeting together to explore the possibility of various outreachprogrammeto connect with the neighbourhood
- And to add the cherry on our cake – A spectacle cobra enetered ourresource room and spotted by a child and then resuced.
And that’s all about the week!