One child celebrated his home coming b’day at home. This was a new reason for many to cerebrate, so the curiosity was high “what is home coming b’day?”
This child decided to share his adoption journey with all other peers. He designed a session 🙂
He began with asking us “what is adoption?”
Then he asked “does adoption exist in your homes”?
Two more kids who are adopted, shared, rest shared no!
But this child brought another angle to adoption ‘all marriages are adoption, we need each other so we adopt each other and decide to stay together”. This brought a new light on adoption.
He moved on with asking and sharing ‘why people adopt, what does adopted child feels, what does family feels, what problems they faced…….and so on.
Many of the kids who have not interacted so openly about adoption were happy with this interactive session.
They also clarified their doubts like adoption means go and choose a child, orphanages homes and their environment when someone leaves the child and so on.
At the end, he shared some trivia ‘famous people who were adopted”.
The session was humorous, we all participated with joy and listening other adoption stories. For me the biggest take away was to look at adoption in different light (marriage is adoption).