Do we loose our path? Do we get distracted? Do we have self doubt? Do we always take complete responsibility of our learning?
Yes as self directed learners – we do miss our marks, lose our track, gets distracted, forget about our goals.
Manthan and Reflection allows us to look into ourselves – This Manthan was no difference. Parents as partner took part tohelp in adding value in learning journey.Manthan, means churning. Each Manthan allows us to churn in different way. This Manthan, it was about FREEDOM. Is freedom understood? Is freedom taken for granted? What happens when freedom is misused? How do we work to create learning environment with freedom and responsibility?
Two days of intense Manthan with some strong/mild feedback, churning and expressions helped all of us in reflecting and pulling us up with our roles. This week, many of us had our focus was back in action.
This week planning began without any announcements. As we reflected, we realized that some of us are depending on those announcements to fill up their days and moving away from their core Interest. We all begin the planning with first working on our own buckets of self development, Interest development as per revised CAT map.
Here is list of action happening at campus
- Sports, Kabbadi. Cooking. Salad and souls. Different craft, Rock climbing, Dome and fitness, dancing and stunts, personal hygiene.
- Accounts. Self hygiene, Communication with parents, Reading, Sports, Writing, Self fitness
- Vocabulary. Music, Cooking, Handwriting, Culture, Designing alphabets,
- Music, New recipe, Drawing, Emotion of fear and pity, Communication
- Proactive parent communication, Kitchen management, Proactive facilitation
- Spellings, NIOS. Cooking, Art and craft, Reading, Rock climbing and Fitness
- Sports, Science, Personal hygiene, Craft, Dancing free style. Climbing anything.
- Blogging, NIOS, Learn about system admin,
- Fluency of writing on paper, Dome. Patri machine,
- NIOS. Composing, Hands on work, Birding, Gardening, Making videos. Basketball
- Languages, Cursive writing, Hindi, Dance, Stitching, Crafting, Painting, Batball, Aeroplane game ( hip scotch). Butterfly catching.
- Campus repairs, Music, Blogging, Sketching. Study history, Learn stitching on sewing machine.
- Animation,
- NIOS, Maths, Science, Hygiene, Reading aloud, Application and procedures of maths, Sketching, Language, Photography, Football, Blogging, Top battles and learn techniques, Singing my own songs. Dome.
- Maths and writing, Making things like from trash, Playing with top, Reading. Basketball. Researching about Dance. Stunts, Top battle.
- Gardening, Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing, Art and craft, Playing top battles, Read about photography, Campus warden job, Fitness and Maths.
- Sports, Art and craft, Hands on work, Reading and writing, Maths, Geometry, Dome and fitness.
- Paper craft, new crochet stitches, Finish half read books,
- Crochet, Football how to kick, Shuttle, Reading books, Writing a b c d, Doing sheershaasana without support, Clay, Butterfly catching, Tying shoe laces, Numbers after 100, Making kites.
- All Ages made their own commitments. When we miss our mark, we reflect and pull ourselves – coming together help up to move ahead.