Living as community demand each individual to throw out of their comfort zone – as we experience living together as a community, we feel the need of acceptance of each other as individual which helps us live, grow and glow.
Different culture
Different ages
Different interests
Different needs
Different temperament
Different styles
We call it diversity
And that is challenging!
Good news is that, this diversity brings an opportunity for us to explore and understand acceptance.
In planning peers played a role in listening to the struggles of each other – some tried suggesting solutions to each other. Listening to each other also brought an opportunity to understand what and how others are doing. Some sharing – finding it difficult to follow my timings, sometimes feel sleepy, sometimes give up when it becomes difficult, not able to read, need help with writing, need help to remind, Need help in time management
An experience in Teen club brought an opportunity to experience how we unconsciously are involved in making images about others. We wrote three things we dislike about each person in the group – images, comments, teasing, problems, issues, personality, the way talk, interest, appearance and then wrote three appreciation about each person in the group. Just a small activity but brought the expressions
Difficult to write appreciation
More aware about self
Judgement came very fast, appreciation came with efforts
We judge a lot even if it is appreciation. Writing helps
Good thing came fast, for some people bad things were less, reflection was deep
Where I stand in my feelings, I accept most of the people
More judgements and less appreciation, unconsciously criticised
When working in teams, we experienced by pausing “did we helped others, did we listened to others, did we give space to other and did we appreciate others?”
Acceptance needs knowing each other – Dreams, Books, Craziest things done, Lifestyle at home, Unforgettable incident, Relationship…We spoke for a minute in SHOW TIME in thought club.
In planning picked a chit with any name. Write in your task today, where and how will you accept this person – Helping, Listening, Flexibility, Open minded, Giving, Caring, Forgiveness,
And each one of us creating a poem to reflect
How helpful was I to you, in the day, by giving you the book is how I was helpful.
To you in the day was I FLEXIBLE was I flexible by letting you speak first.
When was I Cooperative
Do you know when I heard you
How about the flexibility
Not the body but mind flexibility
Was I cooperative when you worked with me
And the patience was my partner sometimes
Whom did I cared for
Was it my friend or you
How LISTENING became important when you said “listen to me”!
And how was I GIVING to you, what do you say about that
When I shared my LOVE
How did the wind blew me off to OPEN MINDE to try new ideas