AAROHI – X is a BUSY place with more than 40 collaborations throughout the week – each space is created with “I decide”. All ages participate, someone leads, someone follows – no age barriers. All spaces are self-organized and have different styles, The style of each space is created by the participants of the space.
Some snippets of the action in various spaces.
This evening I tried and was so happy to successfully make a two-color crochet string which I plan to wear on my ankle ¶ Thanks so much for patiently teaching me when I failed ¶ Look forward to the next learning of double crochet
And She makes her first crochet beanie. The process was interesting and the end result was thrilling for her!
DIY…Car Parking and track from Cardboard Box .. Suhrud n I discussed on design as per his needs. We painted the pcs together and I glued them using a hot glue gun. After finishing he also shared what else we could have done…
Part of 30-day paintings challenge Day5 Art by Suhrud- He just scraped through the black canvas… Later said it looked to him like a Macau flying and a boy flying behind it, also hence boy’s hair r all flying in the air!
We pondered upon watching a Buck converter video- What is Inductor? What is REgulator? Is converter and Regulator the same? Fridge / Oven / Washing Machine /Cars/ – all uses AC – but do they have batteries? Buses have generators – that why sound is more – Is it true? How Petrol is used for creating Power in Cars? Current and Voltage and power is the same or different? Which gadgets use Ac Which gadgets use DC? Which all Electrical devices at home use Buck converters? Why we need a Convertor at Campus?? 24V is the input Voltage – and we need 12 V for Amplifier. Next week: Our discussion is on Gadgets that use Ac Which gadgets use DC? Share Electrical devices at home that uses Buck converters? Post Buck Converter Circuit for discussion – that can convert 24V DC to 12V DC
We are on an unscrewing spree currently with gadgets, watch, anything with screws on them.
Beautiful colour lip balm from my natural color lip balm experiment. Used ratanjot infused coconut oil to get the color. Doesn’t come on lips but look so pretty
Jaatre with Sidhu, It’s not only about the hard-work but what one does with what one likes doing Sidhu sharing the journey of his love for Horse Breeding.
Join our rapidly growing family of Radio Ararohi. We are commencing preparations for show #3. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Does anyone want to give their voices for the audio story? We have chosen The seed story,, if you are interested in giving your voices for raju,ruby,bob,sales work,midland and the narrator.. Please get in touch.. 🙂
Hi my name …… I am 15 yrs old and i been open to learning for the past two years now…. Few interests of mine are Gaming, Cooking, Eating, Animating, i love talking and playing games and i also prefer badminton and swimming
Calling all artists and inspired community members! Radio Aarohi is looking for a new visual identity and needs your help. We are seeking talents from our Aarohi community who can design a creative and innovative logo. The logo for Radio Aarohi must contain the following catchline : Chodenge Nahin. Play around with font and colours. Looking forward to your Creations! Please post your logos in art klub channel.
Adding reactions to messages is fun Are you ready to take that to the next level??? Join me in making custom emojis for the aarohi server. Design, draw, create and enjoy as different in the community use the emojis that YOU have created. Check out the sample but of course, we’re gonna make better Connect with me on the Custom Emoji channel:
We were doing Lifebook sessions. 2 sessions were almost completed. Do anybody wants to join this LifeBOOK club again join us me and @anjali with a new refreshing memories of REdesigning our beliefs in each of our 12 categories of our LIFE. 1) The Lifebook has 12 categories to visualize, and bring balance in all these categories which was proposed by Jon and Missy Butcher . 2) It has 3 main components to focus on – a)Our PERSONAL Life which has 5 categories to focus b) Our SOCIAL Life which has 3 categories to immensely look into our Relationships c) Our FINANCIAL, CAREER, and DESIGNING life category as well.
Hello all, I need some help. I and my son open every possible electronic/electric stuff at home. This time we opened a nebulizer motor and tried to make the potter’s wheel. And we very happy to see the success as soon as we put clay on it it was smashed all over the house because the speed of the motor was high. Then I thought let me fix the fan regulator to regulate the speed. It didn’t work. I called the electrician couldn’t do anything. Went to the motor shop. Gave me some gyan which didn’t work either. In short, can anyone help me to regulate the speed of my motor? I want to do it.
Hi @everyone l want to start a mandala art klub. We can do it if some people are interested. People start learning mandala art for 2 main reasons, first because of its attractiveness and second because it is very relaxing, calm, and soothing. It has a lot of geometry and accuracy involved so the minimum age to start it is 8. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
What’s up with language club tomorrow?! By We are singing songs, telling stories and making stories from.the story cards How about experiencing a lil unknown language with lil kown people!
In todays Nature Klub we are discussing insect observations made in our backyard/garden, esp mantises!
At 12, let’s meet to know more about Charles Dickens. WHAT do you think must have inspired him to write?
Today in programs club we will be doing data structures and a few functions. Anyone who wants to join is welcome!
THEATER SHOW group – remember to bring story-jokes for us to act out in the session. One per person minimum.
Hello Buddies, since Mishti is travelling still she will miss art Klub! Does anyone else want to bring up topic to teach or as discussed do you all want to explore Gond art?
ELECTRONICS BUDDYS- Did you try to find components for Buck Converter: Lets make the circuit …… LM2596 IC CApacitor – 220uf 50V -1, 220uf 35V – 1, 100 nf – 2nos, Resistor – 330 ohms – 1 10 K variable resistor Schottky Diode
Meet Miss lovely Ibbani, behind this pair of glasses. Oooh she has quite a bit in store, to tell us about Charles Dickens. Lets hear from her tomorrow @12.
P2P reading tomorrow at 1:30 – we focus on GRIT Highly recommended that you attempt this QUIZ before coming for the reading: https://angeladuckworth.com/grit-scale/ *For the reading we will read the FAQs which are given after the QUIZ.
Hi all Video game MAKERS, Those who knows SCRATCH are welcome to join our project and we are in our DAy 3 TRAVEL, Those who wants to join our travel can join on Tomorrow 10 am.
Hello hello hello Games club Arham have plan to play game with Dice .. So all participants join games klub at 4 today with dice ready with you.. Arham Games klub Address Same zoom link
On Wednesday at 10 a.m it’s going to be showtime! We are going to watch 3 different videos that will capture the magic and mystery of play. Please keep some chai, coffee and popcorn ready as we jump from one video to the next. Interval is going to be full of chatter and discussions.
Theater Klub is going to do today …. yes we are going to do today …. some amazing and sizzling and chilling and … you know … its called … well … we’re in the process of giving it a name but till then lets play a game … yes theater klub is all about …. you know a spout and a pout … so if you wanna join … forget to bring your mind … and more if you want to know … come with some seeds to sow and give them to @Harshita and Purvi and @alaru ravind … for they are going to make us act and react and impact and compact and subtract and interact and refract and attract … at the auspicious time of 14hrs this 16th day of February of 2021 … lets zoooooom
What’s up for Tomorrow Programming Klub? Scratch and Julia – What new you guys are exploring tomorrow
“GUEST from Assam and from a Tribal community is Joining us for Tomorrow’s History Klub”
Writer’s Klub buddies! Who loves reading comics? Today we are going to explore writing comic strips! So please bring your favorite comics along. Also, please bring a paper and pencil and of course tonnes of enthusiasm as usual!
Hi science explorers, Today we will have a slide show from Siddhant, Siddhant Garg, Ronak is bringing a surprise demo for us. To connect more on exploration & let’s build our own theories, welcome to our science exploration club @ 12.30 pm