Think or follow !!!

At the campus we are bugeed by the culture of “booking”. It beagn with booking your place for the bath (we have one bathroom and 10 souls to take bath). I do not how the booking came in as a solution? Soon it has spread to

  • Booking for who will sit on the eban bag?
  • Booking to keep sandals in fisrt place
  • Booking to take food
  • Booking to play sports
  • Booking to open the door
  • Booking to get the tools
  • Booking to sit in car………….

We almost felt that we are in the “booking world”. Yesterday in thought club we brought this thought and asked questions “Are you aware, what are you doing how or you are just following, just because others are doing”.

Most of the kids shared “we ar just following”. One of the children very profoundly shared “ I am aware what I am doing, But I have no other option. If I do not book, I will be last and many times I will not get the thing, I did not think that I can also have or think of other option, instead of just following”.

Today she shared “I am also wondering that we just follow the fashion, without thinking” The child can think, she is able, she is AMABLE, she just needed an agiataion, a spark to pause and think!!!
