The day is filled with variety at Aarohi
- I can hear some sound……..thunnn thunn. One child in the kitchen lab is pounding something to cook.
- I can hear two kids discussing vehemently on sizes of bamboo for the tree house, they have to estimate the number and sizes of bamboos required to make tree house.
- I can hear the sound of words – one is trying to read a science experiment on taste by joining different words.
- I cannot hear a word – one child is silently plastering a wall to make fish pond to give a house to six guppies.
- I can hear also some frustrating voice……one child is trying hard to fix numbers on his telephone book. He is sitting with telephone book, but working on writing numbers.
- I can hear some new words and laughter, two kids are working on new words, one of them is determined to use the word somehow and you know how hilarious can be when you use the word “Clamber” to climb upon a word.
- One child is pondering on Solar energy – she is writing questions on what is solar? What all she can do with solar.
The range of topics which kids planned to worked on
- One child decided to work in the week on variety of topics – learn new words by reading book on Satellite, work on tree house and decide the dimension of logs to be use in tree house, start working on new parking loot by making boundaries, kite flying, make curtain for the bed, work on written problems of maths, work on understanding elephants, work on testing water for drinking and also have loads of fun.
- One child wanted to work on writing through science experiment, she worked on “matter”, she also worked on making fish pond and water testing in water lab and kite flying.
- One child worked on Solar oven – she started her journey on understanding what is Solar by writing questions on solar using bloom, she also worked in library lab to explore different kinds of books. She is also worked on self defense in security and lab and water testing in water lab.
- One child worked on exploring telephone, made model, he wrote the number one, drew stars and thats all. While he was exploring Telephone, he saw picture of satellite and then rocket and then stars and then I opened Stellrium software for him to see starts in the sky – he drew them.
- One worked in Kitchen lab to explore cooking, decorating, trying new recipe, kite flying and water testing.
- One child worked on understanding Helicopter to make remote control helicopter and thats all.
- One worked on writing English and that all.
We all tigether explored what is Literature and what is writing?
I truly enjoy the variety of exposure I get. I have never worked on solar, I am learning, I never thought I will ever look at the different parts of the helicopter or a telephone. In my dreams also I never wanted to test drinking water. Forget about me thinking about making a tree house or even plastering fish pond or flying kite or reading about matter ………….but I am doing it all NOW!!!………..looking forward to more.