As the parents came in they explored the welcome materials. Later the materials for stimulation were displayed and they were asked to do the activities, none of they came to be part of the stimulation, instead the parents choose to spend time with the content and MI guides. Later they were briefed about the objective of the week and how children are facilitated to connect their goal with the objective of the week. After that all them choose a goal to observe the session.
- If my child is reluctant for reading, how do you facilitate.
- Concern about mobile apps at home and not much doing something else at home.
- The parents also had some concerns of logging in to read observation.
- At Aarohi we labels, read on food packets, give various stimulation for reading, relating to the child’s interest first and then move to other topics. At home read together, read daily (even if the child is not looking at the book), read labels, read food recipes, read about TV programs, read letters, write and read a note to the child, write and read notes in lunch box (let it be surprise), read about the topic your child likes, read about what you likes. Read for joy, may be not to teach reading.
- At Aarohi while the work on mobile app/ video games are not any inferior to any other topic, we also play around with different kinds of stimulation, do many different things. The four buckets allows us to do things in many different ways. May be at home take time out for the activities you would like to do together like play chess. Basically create a DOING environment at home.
- When you have any such issues, connect with mentor faculty immediately and not wait for any event. Also we expect parents to spend some time with newsletter to get the understanding about working of Aarohi.
When a child peeped into an open sump, we called for an urgent safety meeting including parents, caretakers, children and admin. We looked into “my role” in my safety. This continued after PCF also. We also pulled up our systems and ensure safety for all.
but for them to get some understanding “why” it is done. so theparents will be able to relate/understand how my child is taking this,what stimulation does to my child, why is it open? and so on.Be clear that our reflection will be on some parameters , any concernsthey can connect to their mentors faculties.We need to have some clear goal for parents to choose from.