Story Mela


Each one us is a wonderful story and children benefit by getting exposed to our stories. Story Mela at Aarohi had stories from different walks of life . We did not want only some stories but story of childhood, occupation story, interest story, story of native pace or a place visited, story of religion, story of family, story of customs, story of people who inspired us, story of joy and struggle or interest, story of fire or story of machine or story of earth.

It began with parents coming in a sharing stories – story of Mahabharata, story of Thomas Edison, story of Chemistry, Story of ‘why’, story in Marathi by a Grandmother, story of hunters, Musical Kannada story, story of how Sherlock holmes influenced, story of God and help….some were glued to the stories told by others, some wrote their own story, some put up stall of story and played with story through different activities, some made up their stories, some did not come at all for any session and continued with their own stories.

One child wrote a story, printed and put up stall in two days. Few kids got together and acted various stories.We wrote, read, played, made, acted, experimented… had three days of ‘habba’ at Aarohi, full of action. Every corner was busy doing some story. Thank you all the parents and grandparents who joined us and shared wonderful stories.
