Yash, a Khoji from Swaraj joined us for his mentor ship. The focus of his mentor ship was learning and experimenting with how to cook a variety of foods that appeal to and bring joy to children.
So truly he worked on his goal – each day a different dish with different flavour, cooked with joy and love. His dedication and sincere love towards food inspired many of us to try different varieties. He introduced few grain names which did not have english translation. He cooked and cooked tirelessly and kept our tummys in peace with mouth watering dishes,
His Vada Pav /coconut curry / Misal Pav were big hit at campus. Variety of salads with roasted groundnut in different forms gave a grand look on salad table.
Yash, you truly inspired some of us to fight with life and come out of it. Your simplicity, value for life and relationship, hard work , strong desire to be on your own self even at difficult times, cheering smile , love for food kept us connected with you from deep of our hearts.