Manthan is the space for the Aarohi community to come together and churn our thoughts. Each time it is different.
This time we began with pondering over ‘manthan’. “What is Manthan for you?” – Union, bonding, togetherness, chatting, understanding and clarity.
“What we want to do in this Manthan?” – Portfolio, games, and activities for learning, Outdoors and active games, Discussion to develop an understanding when something is not alright, cooperative games, trek, Parents to be learning, learning and learning, discussion on any topic on parenting or facilitating learning. Parents to conduct different sessions, Parents and children to play games like running and catching, The Sunshine to be conducted by few parents and take feedback on Aarohi conducting world cafe, Dream or vision sheet for Aarohi, Make gifts for each other, Different parents to cook different dishes. Campfire, Parents learn music and share
“How do we want to work of Manthan?” – Each team taking their own responsibility, Plan the schedule together OR form an organizing team and they plan the schedule.